sábado, 20 de abril de 2013

Brave New World

1)The chapters 1,2 and 3 are very important for the development of the novel, because here it makes clear that the babies are born in vitro and how are classified.

2)The information in these three chapters is a description, because it is described principally like it is this world and his practices with the babies.

Video:Science and Technology

1)The video speaks on the danger that exists in the technology(dvd,tablets,touch screens) and the science          (investigation of diseases) because EE.UU it does not possess the sufficient money to finance them, and this country is one of the bigest producer of technology and science.

2)The ''fiscal cliff'' is a great threat of the science and technology of U.S, this also concerns in the growth of the work.

3)It was lowering the production of the technology, because The United States is one of the major producers, also decrease the science because The United States possesses big advances.For all these reasons are going to be less jobs.

4)I agree, because we must continue improving the advances in the science and in the technology and without the help of United States this is impossible.

5)No, the government of Chile does not have the money needed for the production of technology and for research, we are dependent on more developed countries.