domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

Brave New World Chapter 4 and 5

 1- Why is it important for Lenina to publicly prove her unfaithfulness to Henry?

To prove the unfaithfulness to Lenina is note very important because in the book that was normal,all the people have por than one couple.

2- Is it natural to be in a couple and raise a family in the Brave new World? Why/why not?
No,is not natural, in the book doesnt exists the family.
3- What is the meaning of “pneumatic” when it is used to describe Lenina?
"Pneumatic" means that Lenina is pretty and sexy.
4- What is “Soma” and why do people use it?
"Soma" is a drug to make happy the people.
5- Was Bernard a tall or a short man? How did this affect his job? Please justify your answer by quoting from chapter 5.
Bernad was a short man,this affect to his job beacuse people see him different.

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